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Ray Beaver St Clair

A little bit about Ray Beaver St Clair

Raymond Beaver St Clair

Having spent the best part of the last 20 years working on the Internet, promoting various Churches, including the now defunct oldcatholic.co.uk / ordotempli.org, I finally decided that it was better to promote real-world money making programs such as Virtual World Direct’s E-Lotto and uVme (also known as affiliate systems).

Despite the company’s moderate success, I have strived to make the best of the limited means that I have, by harassing my friends, family and loved ones (and everyone else within range of my transmitter), to death in order to get to where I want to be.

This journey has truly been a trial (or should that be comedy?) of errors along the way, and no matter how hard I try, I always seem to end up on my backside despite my best efforts in trying to convince people that there is a better way to make money online.

As a result of this, I have learned the hard way – which in itself isn’t a bad thing, it’s actually the best thing to do in order to learn how to succeed. They say, for every failure you make you are one step closer to success. I sincerely try and believe that every day I wake up and look in the mirror.

Then something most auspicious happened. About two years ago, or perhaps more, I found a system that would help me achieve what I wanted in life, and it was most glorious.

Radio and TV broadcasting!

Just prior to that, late in 2005, I was introduced to a new company, Curly Blue Media (formerly GrupoBlueGrass), via a contact that I knew of based in Brighton, West Sussex, and it was through my much loved friend Malcolm Ord, that I discovered a whole new World while I was visiting some business associates based in Hong Kong.

I was so excited by what Malcolm told me, that I spent several hours organising a fax machine in a run-down office in the busiest part of Hong Kong’s business center. Once I had faxed back my new company formation documents back to the U.K., we flew back on EasyJet to the UK where we began organising our new business ventures.

Since then, I have made many new contacts who collaboratively assist me in producing cutting edge videos to promote our affiliate sites, including such high-profile Internet personalities including legendary discombobulators such as;

Jeff Rense

Touted as “The Most Format & Content-Plagiarized Site On The Net” (for which I am inclined to believe wholeheartedly), Jeff Rense’s radio show is one of the most popular sources of disinformation that you can possibly hope to visit. Jeff Rense‘s guests include the likes of

Tim Rifat – Brighton’s Leading Mind Control Expert based near the much sought-after Highgrove estate, one of Brighton’s most prestigous areas. A little known fact is that Tim Rifat is also the voice of David Icke on some of our video’s produced under PrometheanReach, EconomyMeltdown, RealityVisions, EdgeMediaTV, RedIceRadio, ProjectAvalon, and many more on Youtube if you care to look of course!)

Don’t forget that if you notice Tim Rifat’s voice sounds familiar to other guests on the Jeff Rense radio show,, and in some “David Icke” videos on YouTube, remember that we are relatively new to video and TV production and that our access to voice talents is somewhat limited at this point in time. Bear with us while our group improves!

Other guests on the Jeff Rense show include:

The Good Reverend Craig W.Bates of cechome.com
Judy Andreas
Terrell E. Arnold
Gilad Atzmon
Ellen Brown
Dr. Alan Cantwell, MD
Gerald Celente
Richard C. Cook
Patricia Doyle
Paul Drockton
Dick Eastman
Dr. Gayle Eversole
Peter Eyre
Jeff Gates
Michael Goodspeed
Doug Herman
Morris Herman
David Icke
Charlotte Iserbyt
Deek Jackson
Dahr Jamail
Michael James
Philip Jones
Devvy Kidd
Br Nathanael Kapner
Stephen Lendman
Norman Livergood
Kevin MacDonald
Henry Makow
Jason Miller
Michael J.Panzner
Rev. Ted Pike
Niki Raapana
Paul Craig Roberts
Dr. Harrell Rhome, PhD
Kawther Salam
Adrian Salbuchi
Karl WB Schwarz
Israel Shamir
Sherman Skolnick
Mary Sparrowdancer
Webster Tarpley
Roy Tov
Ted Twietmeyer
Eric Walberg
Frosty Wooldridge
Kourosh Ziabari

Jeff Rense’s show is considered by many to be unmissable. While we produce the video’s, I have to admit that all I want to do is close the site down and listen to The Banana Splitz.

Gary Null

Gary Null’s show is in a league of it’s own, and his work really does outshine Jeff Rense’s in many ways. I will let you decide who’s style you prefer, but for me, Gary really knows his stuff about a great many topical topics, such as 911,

David Icke

Who doesn’t know about the legendary David Icke? Expert on the Paranormal, Global Issues, Spirituality, Mind Control, War, and countless other interesting subjects, David’s expertise in these many fields goes without question. David has been featured on TV and radio hundreds of times over the last two decades, and it is a pleasure to be able to produce videos under his name to promote ourselves. Thanks Dave!